Why Play the Harp

1) Beauty at first

Beauty at the first sitting

Not only the instrument itself is a stunning masterpiece to look at, harp music is magical and soothing. The first notes on the harp already sound beautiful; even practice sounds good!

Satisfying, Artistic and Fun

Creating beautiful sound is very satisfying both to you and people who listen to it. Music-making, and the process of learning help the person to acquire concentration, confidence, freedom of expression and creativity

Music-making allows human to create emotion and express ourselves by the movement of our hands on our instrument. Harp students are a supportive crowd and they love to encourage one another. It’s fun!

2) For all ages (show as much harp possible in pic)

It’s for All Ages

You are never too old to start! The harp comes in different sizes and there is a variety of music to fit your personal taste on both lever or pedal harps.

Some adult harp students have played piano or another instrument before, while others are completely new to music. Either way is a fine place to start, all it takes is dedication and love!

Go confidently in the direction of your dreams. Live the life you have imagined.” -Thoreau

2013 KSO

Can Lead to a Rewarding Career

Harpists have more choices than other musicians. You can play in an orchestra or with a choir; perform for  private events, weddings, corporate functions, sophisticated parties or religious services. You can teach in a school or privately.

5) Benefits of Harp

Benefits of Harp Music

The therapeutic effects of harp music have been well researched and documented. Studies have demonstrated a beneficial relationship of harp music upon physiological responses such as blood pressure, heart rate and respiration. Studies have shown that the heart rate decreases and oxygenation levels increase when harp music is played. Additionally, research has substantiated beneficial effects on perceived levels of pain, anxiety and positive emotions. Harp music promotes an atmosphere of comfort, warmth and safety. More and more hospitals are now hiring harpists to provide soothing music for their patients.

Selected Articles for Further Reading:

  1. Music Enhance IQ
  2. Sound of Passion
  3. Why Music Is Good for Your Brain
  4. Playing for Time
  5. Healing Power of the Harp

“I think it is very unlikely that I would have ever become president had I not been in school (studying) music from the time I was nine….

It taught me discipline and creativity. It made me see the world in different ways. It made me understand things in different ways,”

Mr. Bill Clinton.